Sunday, November 1, 2009

Nella Larsen's Amazing Description of Scenes

When reading this novel I was so amazed by Larsen's ability to describe certain events and scenes throughout the novel. One of the first scenes that created a vivid image in my mind was in the beginning of chapter 2: "Chicago. August. A brilliant day, hot, with a brutal staring sun pouring down rays that were like molten rain. A day on which the very outlines of the buildings shuddered as if in protest at the heat. Quivering lines sprang up from the baked pavements and wriggled along the shining car-tracks. The automobiles parked at the kerbs were a dancing blaze, and the glass of the shop-windows threw out a blinding radiance. Sharp particles of dust rose from the burning sidewalks, stinging the seared or drippings skins of wilting pedestrians" (12). I read this paragraph over and over again wondering how Larsen was able to describe this scene so perfectly.
Another description that took my breath away was the beginning of chapter 3 which states, "On Tuesday morning a dome of grey sky rose over the parched city, but stifling air was not relieved by the silvery mist that seemed to hold a promise of rain, which did not fall" (32). Once again this scene is described so perfectly and it as if I were actually there just by reading it. I also noticed that Larsen uses these descriptive scenes at the beginning of chapters to set the mood of the following events.
Later in the novel: "The year was getting on towards its end. October, November had gone. December ahd come and brought with it a little snow and then a freeze and after that a thaw and some soft pleasant days that had in them a feeling of spring" (85). Once again this description of scene takes place in the beginning of a chapter, sets the mood, and creates an image in the reader's mind.
I really like Larsen's writing and although this novel was short it was filled with beautiful images and descriptions which really made the novel meaningful and enjoyable to read.

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